Sunday, February 23, 2014

What drives the world?

"Facebook acquires Whatsapp for 19 billion dollars!!" 

This is the news that has been making headlines since last week, in different forms including the post-mortem of the past, present and future events of that incredibly huge transaction. Why is it that the news about a new life saving cancer curing drug takes third page, while something as peripheral as a chat app & a networking website with many substitutes take the limelight for days or even weeks? 
While there might be hundred IP complications with respect to publicizing a drug, it can be drawn out that news about drugs are hushed up to make money. So, while one news is blown out of proportion, the other is hushed up, both with money as the base. 
I immensely appreciate technology, the development of technology and certainly dream of the day when I can fly my car. But on some days like this one, I like to plug out, be a sociologist, drink tea and just sit and think, "What drives the world?", though everyone already know the answer.

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