Sunday, February 23, 2014

What drives the world?

"Facebook acquires Whatsapp for 19 billion dollars!!" 

This is the news that has been making headlines since last week, in different forms including the post-mortem of the past, present and future events of that incredibly huge transaction. Why is it that the news about a new life saving cancer curing drug takes third page, while something as peripheral as a chat app & a networking website with many substitutes take the limelight for days or even weeks? 
While there might be hundred IP complications with respect to publicizing a drug, it can be drawn out that news about drugs are hushed up to make money. So, while one news is blown out of proportion, the other is hushed up, both with money as the base. 
I immensely appreciate technology, the development of technology and certainly dream of the day when I can fly my car. But on some days like this one, I like to plug out, be a sociologist, drink tea and just sit and think, "What drives the world?", though everyone already know the answer.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

SINGLE HOME MAKER (SHM) - Bachelor Life 1

Tried to make dosa..... the pan turned out to be not non-sticky..... hellooo bread and cookies.... I missed you.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Burning my tube.

It's been a long lonely night.
Like yesterday and every day before, 
I've been sitting here, beaming my emotions,drama, knowledge, ideas at you.

You, like everyone else, snoring and twisting in your bed
whilst I sit here burning my tube for you.

#Switch off your tv's at least when you sleep

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Mismanagement of waste

Trivandrum is a very active city, healthy as well. It's very refreshing to see that people here enjoy perspiring a bit in the morning to make their day productive.Almost every park and ground in the city, buzz with activity early in the morning. Morning walkers and joggers take it to the barren roads and go about their business in peace. It is however saddening to note that this health conscious mass of TVM is being let down by the authorities. Shabbily packed plastic bags are strewn all over the roads. Rabid dogs tear and drag them all over the place, searching for left-overs. This is a very common sight in TVM these days. The people affected by the Vilapilsala waste plant had caused a big hue and cry which put the corporation into a dilemma. Now the corporation is finding it difficult to clean up the ever increasing city waste.
This is one problem of living in a city. Ensuing the monsoons, the city could slip into an epidemic catastrophe. Luckily for people in TVM, this year's monsoons are weak and so their health remains stronger than expected.

Separating Souls

Marriages and it's waning importance in our society is a much debated and ' post-mortem' ed topic. Nonetheless, it's relevance can never be underestimated. The sheer increase in the number of séparations happening in a small state like ours is intriguing. I wouldn't say that it's surprising, because we are all now aware of it and the glamour of it has weared off. Now the discussions are more concentrated on a reasoning perspective.
Nju was my colleague. She was not exactly the type someone would fall in love. She was stout, physically, mentally not so. She behaved like someone who was untrained for the metro-sexual habits and habitats. She was slow on thoughts and she giggled on jokes uncontrollobly and didn't have any control over herself. It was sure that her nuptial would be a no courtship paternal business. Even while attending her marriage, many among us had doubts on the longevity of her marriage. Within a fortnight of the marriage, the obvious twist was broken to her parents. She's now expected to spend her fertile years going through her divorce papers and attending family courts.

So who's responsible for this? The husband says that his wife is dumb. But, you always feel that it might be the parents who are dumb. Arranged or by choice, there's equal probability of a marriage ending in the drains. Break away from the caste and religion barrier, think about the separating souls. Thinking of all these, makes me feel that leading a misogamist's life will be better than a rickety marriage.

Cool, Coffee Destination

CCD, a very commonly used abbrev among the youth and old alike. CCD - Cafe Coffee Day has grown to be a very well established style icon of the sorts of Mc D's and KFC's. In the last three years CCD has had an exponential growth curve. As I zip through the well laid Mysore-Banglore road, the red etched CCD banners are seen every 10 min. You might wonder as to what makes an over-priced coffee shop such a huge success. I have been to CCD's on several occasions before, but have failed to find anythin exceptionally tasty to appeal to it's increasin customer base. The tangy green apple or the funny tasting cool blue are all colour and soda for that matter. Yet, people queue up to get a seat in this cool spot. The drinks that they gulp down doesn't matter to them. All that they want is to spend time there. A cool air conditioned, wifi enabled,  brightly lit room, a smokin zone for the addicted and great ambience. These take away the minds of the customers from the big numbered menu. It's contagious. The young are followed by the more wiser and experienced people. My father sent me a 'friend request' in FB. And the CCD shudn't be as thought provoking as that. Whatever it is that the CCD serves in it's outlets, it is here to stay. 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Date with the palmist

The palmist read in my hands that I loved her with all my heart. Wasn't it obvious to the one I loved? I don't think so. May be a lesson in palmistry or mind reading could have stopped her from choosing someone else. 25 years old now and the palmist still thinks that I need another 2 years to settle down. I know that better than anyone else. I seem to be stuck at a cross-road where one road leads to the end of my 3 year long IT career and the other to the end of my dreams. She(the palmist) assures me that I'll find love again. But there's a twist in the story. I shouldn't fall for it and then I'll find my eternal love. I wonder getting divorced and re-marrying to find my eternal love is fine with everyone. One positive note from the meeting with the palmist is that I get to spend 3 more years without being troubled by nuptial requests from my parents.