Saturday, April 14, 2012

Date with the palmist

The palmist read in my hands that I loved her with all my heart. Wasn't it obvious to the one I loved? I don't think so. May be a lesson in palmistry or mind reading could have stopped her from choosing someone else. 25 years old now and the palmist still thinks that I need another 2 years to settle down. I know that better than anyone else. I seem to be stuck at a cross-road where one road leads to the end of my 3 year long IT career and the other to the end of my dreams. She(the palmist) assures me that I'll find love again. But there's a twist in the story. I shouldn't fall for it and then I'll find my eternal love. I wonder getting divorced and re-marrying to find my eternal love is fine with everyone. One positive note from the meeting with the palmist is that I get to spend 3 more years without being troubled by nuptial requests from my parents.

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