Saturday, July 21, 2012

Cool, Coffee Destination

CCD, a very commonly used abbrev among the youth and old alike. CCD - Cafe Coffee Day has grown to be a very well established style icon of the sorts of Mc D's and KFC's. In the last three years CCD has had an exponential growth curve. As I zip through the well laid Mysore-Banglore road, the red etched CCD banners are seen every 10 min. You might wonder as to what makes an over-priced coffee shop such a huge success. I have been to CCD's on several occasions before, but have failed to find anythin exceptionally tasty to appeal to it's increasin customer base. The tangy green apple or the funny tasting cool blue are all colour and soda for that matter. Yet, people queue up to get a seat in this cool spot. The drinks that they gulp down doesn't matter to them. All that they want is to spend time there. A cool air conditioned, wifi enabled,  brightly lit room, a smokin zone for the addicted and great ambience. These take away the minds of the customers from the big numbered menu. It's contagious. The young are followed by the more wiser and experienced people. My father sent me a 'friend request' in FB. And the CCD shudn't be as thought provoking as that. Whatever it is that the CCD serves in it's outlets, it is here to stay. 

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